Saturday, July 07, 2007

The Awsome Green World

There once was a girl named Maggie. She was 12 years old. She loved green. The only thing she colored with was green markers, green crayons, and green colored pencils. Plus, the only thing she colored were turtles and green flowers, but they were really good. Maggie lived in a really rich house. Yet Maggie lived in the attic. Plus she had a little brother named Bob. Her mom was greedy too. She had the biggest room in the house [the living room]. The only time Maggie could come in the room is if she comes to clean it. The dad worked day and night.

On a Saturday, Maggie got on her favorite plain green dress with green ruffles on the bottom. Then she made her bed and had toast. She put on her special jelly. She made it herself. It was green. After she ate her toast, she went outside. When she got outside, she saw a green dog. He was so cute! Except when he barked, it meowed, which was strange. It seemed to have something in its mouth. It looked like a green rose and a green tulip. Suddenly the dog started running. Suddenly the dog stopped in its tracks. The dog turned around and meowed again. Maggie realized the dog wanted her to follow him. Maggie followed him all the way to a really tall gate. A huge sign on it said KEEP OUT! The little dog was in front of an open gate. Maggie went over and looked. There was green everything; flowers, water, and green turtles. Maggie’s mouth dropped open. For a second she thought everything was spoiled and the trees had moss on it. She went down to the water and drank some. it was real water. Then she couldn't believe her eyes; a world of green. Then she saw something: a castle.

Maggie was so shocked. The little dog started running up to the green castle. Maggie followed too but she stopped. She heard something. It was her mom. She turned around and ran home. When she got home, she gave her more chores for running away. So she got on a green apron, green sponge, green broom and green shoes and started cleaning the house. When she went to bed, she kept thinking of the green world. The next day she ran to the open gate. When she got there, she saw the dog running to the castle. Maggie followed up to the green castle. When she went in, she saw a king and queen sad. Maggie went up and said “Why are you sad?”
“We want to have a kid.”
Then Maggie did something brave. “I’ll be your child.”
“Thank you.,” they said. “Bring your stuff tomorrow.”
Then Maggie ran home.
When she got home, her mom said to clean. Maggie said, “No, I’m moving out.”
“Fine, bye! I’ll deal without you”
She ran to the castle and lived a happy and better after.

The End

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