Friday, August 24, 2007


Apparently yesterday’s topic sparked quite a debate. You all skipped the part where I ate Cocoa Pebbles for dinner and the part where Carolynn fell by the pool. No one even bothered to think why Easter Parade was on TV in August. (It was Ann Miller Night on AMC.) Everyone went right for the romance.

In the end, I have decided that romance is not dead; however, romance is where you find it. (Also, I am quite lucky I don’t actually own an Easter bonnet.) It is not the flowers and candy exactly. Those are the traditional gifts and for some traditionalists out there that is the romantic thing to do. Heathers husband Ken, for instance, very much a traditionalist. He sends flowers, plans romantic weekends and does not forget birthdays. (I believe he got Heather tattooed for her last birthday, which is not very traditional, but to each his own.) My uncle claims to give my aunt lots of candy and flowers and they have been married for over 25 years, so I imagine that must be working out for him. Traditional romance is very cool and I will admit it would be nice to find some guy who brings the flowers and candy (especially candy) and plans romantic weekends to some lace covered inn.

However, I think I am going to have to go with my mom and Trish on this one. I would much rather have a man who brings me gifts I actually want, like Casey and his IPod for no reason. Or my Dad who, though is not the flowers and candy type, always keeps the house clean so my mom doesn’t have to worry about it. Besides, I have seen him go out just because my mom wanted to watch Dirty Dancing, they did not have a copy, and he went and got it. I have also seen him go out and do a million fun things with my mom that maybe would not be his cup of tea other wise. My mom even has a bit of romance in her, always buying my dad sports stuff and picking up tickets to various sporting events. Flowers and candy are nice. but, I think a man who cleans house, surprises you with stuff you like (Simpson’s paraphernalia for instance), plans trips to good places (like the beach or Seaworld or Disneyland), does things with you, even when they aren’t his thing, and in return makes you want to do stuff that isn’t exactly your thing with him, and is generally a great guy like that…. That would be one pretty hot guy. (Now if I could just get him to look like Brad Pitt, have Adam Sandlers sense of humor, and be a millionaire…)

On another topic, David felt that yesterday’s topic was far too girly and decided to man it up around here. He does that whenever he feels things are going to girly. We have spent all week watching girly movies and now all he wants to do is go watch some movie called War. That is about as manly as it gets. Other manly movies include 300, Sin City, movies that start with the words “Monty Python”, and incredibly stupid movies such as Team America and The South Park Movie.

Last night we ended up watching Happy Feet. Even penguins have romantic happy endings.


  1. Well I did not say anything about the cereal for dinner because I do that a lot. I will have a big lunch out then when I am watching TV I have Rice Chex. And I was there when Carolynn Blasted her chin on the side of the pool. It wasn't pretty.

  2. team America and the south park movie were classics. STFU.


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