Wednesday, August 01, 2007

My Space Still Sucks

It has been just about a week or so now, since I got a My Space page, and I still think it sucks. Sure, it was useful. Some people I know do not use anything but My Space. They are weird. It just is not as personal as this is. Besides, after a few days, I was overcome with the large amount of My Space spam and I had to make my space private. Sorry if you were looking at it and got it cut off, but I had nearly 100 spam messages and friend requests from people offering to show their boobies and such. Another strange thing is, the stupid thing says I am “Online Now” at all times, even when I am not. Stupid thing. All that, and there are way too many ads. I don't have ads on here and I like it that way.


  1. well i sent you a request so you better accept it! LOL

  2. I did. You know, if I had known about yours I could have stolen more pictures for the video I made. Also, how come you have no main picture for yours?

  3. learn how to use it, you can block all that shit if you dont want to see it and still make it a good thing.

  4. i do have a main pic for mine. it should be a pink box with like three pics in it. one of ken and i, one of the kids and one of all of us i think.....hmmmmmmmm


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