Monday, February 11, 2008

The Dollhouse Murders

I finished another book my third book this year. Called The Dollhouse Murders by Betty Ren Wright. Its a scary book its about a girl named Amy who's sister is brained damaged. And she gets sick of her sister so she goes and stays at her Aunt Clares house. And she finds a dollhouse in the attic it was a replica on her aunts house. Then she finds out that her great grand parents died in that house. Then the dolls start moving and she freaks out. Then on her birthday her sister comes to the party. At she saw the doll crying and pulling books out of the doll book shelf. then days later the dolls were acting out the murder and the doll was still puling books off the shelf. Then she realized that the bookshelf was the message. and she finds out that there great grandparents butler killed them.

1 comment:

  1. So the Butler did it? Who would have guessed? You are doing a great job with your reading. I have some of the webkinz I owe you and will bring them with me on Saturday.


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