Monday, March 10, 2008

Catherine's Terrible List

I am at my wits end. I am trying a new tactic. See Catherine's website for a list of stuff Catherine did today. I figure maybe if I embarrass her, maybe I can get some where. She is having issues with responsibility and temper. We are giving it a try anyway. We'll see how it works. I plan on posting everyday as long as necessary. To be fair, I am posting the good things she did as well as the bad.


  1. If this works, let me know. Maybe I'll give it a whirl, lol. Also, Catherine has to have an iron stomach. How does she eat all that stuff and not get sick?

  2. She must. I have no idea how she does it. If this works I will be amazed. I have tried grounding, guilt, taking away toys and privileges, making her work like a slave... nothing has worked so far. You'll be able to witness first hand if humiliation works.

  3. Well I tried to leave her a comment but it wouldn't let me. I was going to try and make a deal with her, perhaps she takes bribes.

  4. I fixed her comments so you can leave one now, but I have tried bribery. I have offered toys, trips, a hamster, a computer... nothing has worked so far. I even tried taking away her toys and trying bribing her with getting those back. It works for about a day. You can try it if you want. It might work coming from you.

  5. Well she stopped the eating all the sweets thing for a while is she just acting out because of the moving thing?
    She is a smart girl the class room stuff comes easy for her, she can get good grades without too much effort.

  6. I know, I thought of that. She said she is excited because when we move she might get her own room and she is looking forward to seeing the bats under the bridge and going to the zoo there and seeing what other stuff they have in the area. I think it maybe a bully or something at school because she never did that kind of stuff at school before. Who knows...

    I am sure we will figure it out eventually.

  7. Well I think it would be cool to be born on the 4th of July. There would be picnics and fireworks on your birthday every year.


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