Thursday, March 13, 2008

March 12, 2008- Day Three

I wasn't home yesterday so here is Catherine's list.

Good Things Catherine Did-
-Cleaned The Dining Room
-Cleaned the cat boxes and took out the trash.
-She may have cleaned her room, but then she messed it up.
-Made her bed.
-Did homework.

There are no bad things to report.

1 comment:

  1. All that cleaning you do and it just doesn't seem to stay clean...whats up with that? That happens at my house to we clean then we mess it up again.
    Still, it looks like you are doing much more good things then bad. I hope that you are keeping up all the good work.....and maybe I will get you new webkinz........let me know if there is one you have been wanting.

    Love Ya Grandma


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