Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Little Housein the Big Woods

I finished Little House in the Big Woods! Its about a girl named laura who lives with her Pa and Ma, which she calls them, and her sisters, Mary and Baby Carrie. They live in a log house and how they live in Wisconsin. My favorite part was when the dad thinks the log is a bear and attacks it. Also when they first seen the store. Also when Laura loses her pocket from all the rocks she had. Plus when grandma does the maple jig and they had maple sugar with snow .There is no sad parts though, and now I,m reading Bridge to Terabthia.


  1. I used to be such a HUGE Little House fan when i was younger.. Such a good quality show, not like the stuff on TV today!

  2. I like the little house books, Laura and her family were real people. Can you imagine living like Laura, No Tv or phones or computers.


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