Thursday, May 22, 2008

Crazy Idea

As you my know we have Wii Fit its really cool you get to be your Mii and it tells you how much you weigh and if you over weight or under weight. Y et I think they should make a Mario Wii Fit and the pictures of Mario characters like Peach, Luigi, and Yoshi. Plus you get to decide if you want to be your Mii or a Mario character. And there is the Wii Fit games and the Mario games. I wonder how they would make a way to make up exercise games for Mario but they did come up with Wii Fit so I know they will find a way. And your Mii can be in a room and you yearn points and you can by stuff for your room.

1 comment:

  1. Now that is a crazy idea.....I hope you have a lot of fun with the Wii fit....


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