Thursday, August 25, 2011

Charlotte's Web

School is starting soon. Carolynn will be a sophomore this year. (OMG!) Catherine will be in the 7th grade. Catherine will be doing a home schooling program this year. My worry over this is... will she have enough to do? Will she be challenged enough? She isn't always very challenged at school. So I have been trying to think of ways for her to keep busy and continue to learn.

The other day I was at Wal-Mart checking out some plants and we found a spider plant that needed some love. And $1.00 later, Catherine had herself a project. She picked out little red pot and a bag of potting soil and we were on our way.

When we got home she planted her new "friend" in it's new pot. She named it Charlotte.

We found a fabulous home for Charlotte... In the kitchen window. She watered it a bit.

Then she started her plant journal. She wrote about buying her plant and getting it planted. And why she named it Charlotte.

The next day, we planted one of Charlotte's babies in an empty boullion container. And she wrote about it.

I think this is going to be a fun year.

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