Sunday, September 17, 2006

Happy Birthday Catherine!

Yesterday we had a little birthday celebration for Catherine. Her birthday is on Thursday. She had a lot of fun. We just decided to do it late Friday, so don’t get your self all worked up because you weren’t invited. No one was. She had a special dinner of mac and cheese. She had banana cake and presents. It was nice. She did not think she was going to get any presents because we are going on a special trip to Disneyland and the Build-A-Bear Workshop.

Catherine's banana cake Posted by Picasa

The first present Posted by Picasa

Presents from mom.  Posted by Picasa

Present from Carolynn Posted by Picasa

Presents from her Dad Posted by Picasa

Present from David. It's the Black Pearl. Posted by Picasa

Happy Birthday Dear Catherine! Posted by Picasa

Sailing on the Black Pearl Posted by Picasa

Riding her new scooter. Posted by Picasa

P.S. Don't forget to send us pictures of your fun times. We will be doing until Friday. Then we will start something new.


  1. Happy Birthday Catherine!! Hope you have a good time at Disneyland and Build a Bear. Morgan and Sidney say hi too! (((hugs)))

  2. ok what in the world is the black pearl??

  3. The Black Pearl is Captian Jack's ship from the Pirates of the Carribean movies.

  4. that would explain why i didnt know what it was....i havent seen either of the movies


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