Friday, January 12, 2007


January is not a very exciting month. It has been cold, windy and raining. Not that I would complain, I remember how it felt in Wisconsin. However, in Wisconsin I had coats, gloves, and all that cold weather gear. Here I have a few hooded sweatshirts. I still have a coat, the one known to all as the “Peg Bundy Coat”, but it is sort of a long formal coat with the fur trim. Not exactly something one throws on to run to the grocery store. I do love that coat though. My mom bought it for me when I first moved to Wisconsin.

We have been trying to stick to our plan to eat better and exercise. It is not going as well as planned. Okay, so we are making an effort. I replaced our ice cream with frozen yogurt. I replaced the chips and cakes with pretzels, popcorn and nuts. I replaced the pudding and candy with yogurt. I have David eating peanut butter and jelly in low fat tortillas. He has even been seen eating Lean Cuisine pizza! However, I think the thing I did that will work best (but is hardest on David) is I replaced the soda with Gatorade, juice and bottled water. Exercise is harder to come by. David gets more riding his bike to work and his job is much more physical than mine is. I sit at a desk. The farthest I walk all day is out to the mailbox. Sure, I get up; I take orders to the warehouse or go do other things. Nevertheless, it is basically a sitting job. By the time I get home I don’t want to exercise.

I put some Beatles songs on the video collection this week. Carolynn has been working on her posts too. The girls switched chores. Both of the girls thought the others chores were easier. I do not know what gave them that idea. We will see how long that lasts.

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