Monday, February 05, 2007

Just Waiting…

Today I have time to write because I am stuck at work waiting for the people from the car dealership to pick me up. My car is in for its 30,000-mile service. I usually get a Saturday appointment, but those are so hard to come by. Everyone wants them and they are only open until 2:00 on Saturday. The man there said if I bring my car in by 7:15 am, someone would take me to work and then pick me up again after work to get my car. What an easy time saver that could be! Therefore, I made the appointment for today. I got up early and arrived by 7:15. They only have six available passes for the 7:30 shuttle (aka mini van). I got the last one. WOO! They called number 1, then 2, then three, and then four, and then…. Oh yes, number four had her children with her and numbers 5 and 6 were left behind and had to wait for the 8:30 shuttle. Lady number five was irate, started swearing up a storm, and called someone from her work to come and get her. I was forced to wait until the 8:30 shuttle. Whom was I going to call? I do not know anyone, except my boss, and one of us has to be here.

Now, it is 5:00 and here I am still waiting. They called at 11:00 to say my car was ready. I told him I would need to be picked up at 4:30. He said someone would be here. I called again at 1:00 to make sure they had the correct address for my work, since no one had asked me for it. They said the driver would call me for it later. I called again at 4:00 since no one had called me for it. They assured me a driver was out and would call any minute for directions. They called me at 4:45 to let me know the driver was running late and should call for directions by 5:00. We will see….


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