Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows- My Opinion

Okay, here is what I thought of the final instalment of the Harry Potter series. For any of you who have not read it and plan to, I beg you, stop reading now and go read. I have two reasons for this- one it's a really excellent book and you should read it and two I am about to write about the ending and I don't want to spoil it for you.

Overall, I loved it. I found it to be a tad hard to follow at times, simply because there was so much happening at once. I think she crammed a lot into that book. I also was a little sad to see that very little happened at school. I mean the whole point of there being 7 books was one for each year he attended school. He did not even attend the school in this one; he just went there in the end. I found the whole end rather religious. I mean the kid dies to save them all, but comes back. Who is this kid, Jesus? (Speaking of, there were Mormon missionaries outside the Barnes and Noble last Friday while Carolynn and I were there waiting. They were trying to hand out pamphlets, and possibly persuade people from buying the book. Maybe they were trying talk people into becoming Mormons. I doubt they had any success at either endeavor. But my opinion on that could be a whole post in itself.) I was sad when Mad-Eye was killed; however, I was even sadder that he lost poor Hedwig. I was sure that Fawkes would come to him in the end, but he never did. The worst was the end... they lost Lupin, Tonks, Fred, Snape and Colin. There was a lot of death in this one. Though I doubt anyone cared about the Death Eaters or Crabbe. They deserved to die.

I was happy to see the change of heart in Dudley and Kreacher. Too bad Aunt Petunia could not get over her jealousy of her witch sister. Sure was interesting to find out all this time Snape was doing all he could to save Harry, even, in the end, giving his life for the child of the woman he loved. What's up with the Malfoy's going off scott free? After all they did over 7 books, they deserved to die. Okay, so Mrs. Malfoy lied for him there at the end, but they still deserved to go. I thouroghly enjoyed Bellatrix being murdered.

I just knew Ron and Hermione would be a couple. Seriously, who didn’t see that coming? I am also thinking that Luna and Dean had a little thing going there at the end. The ending was good, though they lost some good men in the battle, they triumphed over evil. I love a happy ending. The little added epilogue though seemed a little tacked on. I appreciated it because it really wrapped things up, but there was so much more that could have been said there. However, I loved it. I am quite happy with it and will probably read it, and the other six, many more times in my life.

1 comment:

  1. I was pretty surprised Hedwig died. Why in the world did she need to kill the poor owl?


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