Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Why I Hate My Space

1. It is full of losers.
2. It is not as easy to use as Blogger.
3. It is not as customizable.
4. It is too limiting.
5. Did I mention it was full of losers?

I do not know what it is about that site that I hate. Maybe because it is not really a personal website, but more of a giant, on going instant message or chat line or something. Anyone remember way back when AOL was first out and the only real thing to do was go to those chat rooms that were always full of strange people? Oh sure, there were some normal people in there, but there always had to be some creepy people commenting or what ever. That is what My Space reminds me of, some big crazy chat room.

Why the tirade you ask? I have no reasons really. I was just bored and thinking and browsing the internet. Millions of people use My Space. I must admit, even I have a My Space. However, do not look for anything there except a note directing you here. I guess it could be useful, if you were looking for someone. However, I have enough trouble with all the people I already know, why would I want to look for anyone else?


  1. I was pretty resistent to Myspace too. There are days when I don't see the point of it. It's basically an online popularity contest. However, I've made contact with several long lost friends so I take the good with the bad. The only friends I have are people that I know in real life, tv shows and music artists that I like, and podcasters. I'm not one of those people that have hundreds of friends. AND...I'm not a loser, JUST for the record, lol. :P

  2. Okay, I said it was full of loser, not that everyone was one. That is what I was figuring on using it for, maybe meeting some old friends.


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