Friday, July 27, 2007

“Isn’t there anyway I can change my D.N.A, like sitting on the microwave?”- Lisa Simpson

What would it be like if everyone looked the same? This was the question asked by Carolynn yesterday. If we all looked the same, I hope we’d all look like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.


Carolynn is having a tea party next weekend. It should be a very refined afternoon. I have a whole list of songs from Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Chopin, and many other classical composers. My mom is sending a fancy tea set. We are having brunch foods. I will enjoy some nice tea, probably Earl Grey. I also have a nice Irish tea that I like. Carolynn only drinks plain black tea and only iced. Oh well, she can have it that way too. We will play some cards (because on “I Love Lucy” the ladies get dressed up and have brunch and play cards. However, they usually play bridge and we will probably play Uno.)

I am a little lightheaded in my office today. We are staining some baskets in our warehouse and the fumes are making me a little dizzy. Our baskets usually come already stained, but by special request, we are staining some that do not usually come that way.

Well, The Simpson’s Movie will be soon. Then we are heading to Pat and Oscars for dinner. I will let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. hi tropical fruit,

    just s friendly reminder that if your moji is sleeping, inactive or simply not displaying the correct emotion, you must login to your MojiKan account and regenerate the i-widget code. This is bec. we have changed the mood-me process and users have to copy and paste the widget code again to their blog sites.

    thanks so much!!



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