Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tagged Yet Again

I do not know Sherry, but I do look at her blog occasionally. (It is a link on Trisha’s blog.) Anyway, twice now she did these little question/answers things, and then “tagged” Trish to do them too. Trish seems to have no will power to resist such questions and must answer every one that she comes in contact with. She sends them around and I usually fill mine out with a bunch of terrible answers and send them back. This weekend, Sherri “tagged” Trish with another list of questions, and Trish has now “tagged” me. So here you have it.

Four jobs I have had or currently have in my life:
1. I currently work at a basket importation operation for a boss who I am now calling Big Chief No Sense of Humor. (Better than last week when I was calling him Captain No Joy. Or how about Señor Cranky Pants. He does not know I call him these things. He also does not know what a blog is.)
2. I used to work for Hickory Farms. (Try some of our original cheese ball. It is a tasty blend of mild white cheddar and blue cheese rolled in almonds and hazelnuts.)
3. Once I worked at Wienerschntizel. I was 16. Chilidogs as far as the eye could see.
4. I once held a job folding sweaters at a department store in Illinois. It was very exciting.

Four countries I have been to:
1. The United States…. DUH!
2. I went to Tijuana, Mexico before.
3. I am pretty sure Texas is its own country.
4. Um…. I guess I do not get out much.

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. At home… work is no fun. That is why it is called work.
2. The beach would be nice. I could work on my tan… I mean my burn.
3. On vacation… Any vacation.
4. Disneyland. It is the happiest place on earth you know.

Four foods I like to eat:
1. Cookies… all kinds
2. Pasta
3. Mexican Food
4. Pizza

Four personal heroes, past or present:
1. I dunno.
2. Maybe my friends. They are pretty cool.
3. Cool people I do not know yet.
4. Teachers.

Four books you've just read or are currently reading:
1. Harry Potter… All seven
2. The Woods
3. Walter The Farting Dog (Actually Catherine read this one to me.)
4. Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret? (Carolynn is reading this one, so I read it too. I read it when I was little as well.)

*New Question* Riddle me this:
Four Of Your Stupidest Fears:
1. Bugs
2. Heights
3. Bouncing Checks (I do not even write checks anymore. I only use bank checks to counter my fear. Even though I know no one else is out there spending money without telling me and I know there is money in there, I still have the fear.)
4. Car Accidents. Every time I get in the car, I worry I will not make it back alive.

Due to rule changing somewhere along the line, here is where you are suppose to add your own new question.

Tag, you're it!

I do not know any other bloggers, but I do know some My Spacers and this could work for them too.

1. Sarah
2. Alyssa
3. Angela
4. Nikki

Anyone else I did not say, well hey, go for it.


  1. Some people might be offended by what you said...I, however, laugh. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! AND, just an FYI, I do not answer every survey I come across. I have TONS on Myspace I ignore and the occasional one that goes through an e-mail that I don't answer either. So :P to you.

  2. That is why I hate "some people" and not you. lol

  3. Hehehe. Your post was the high point of my day. I truly needed the laugh.

  4. Yeah, I read your blog... some people just will do anything to get out of paying for stuff. Thenagain, some people are just bitches and need to go away.

  5. walter the farting dog is a classic! i miss you working at hickory farms, i need some of those mint meltaway thingies, those are the BEST!!!!!!!!



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