I hope everyone enjoyed my Hollywood Epic Trilogy. I would like to thank my mom for taking a bunch of cool picture to use. I would like to thank my sister for putting them in the tube so I could use them. Finally, I would like to thank my dad for his music choices.
My next movie should be up by the weekend. I went out to the Best Buy last night to buy the perfect song for that movie. I am positive my dad did not have that one. I am sure everyone will enjoy it.
Today I am home sick from work. I hate being sick and I hate missing work. What makes it worse is that I made sure to tell my boss early that I would not be in and he called right after 10 to ask me where I was. He still did not get the message. I left early yesterday too. I am losing my voice. It is worst in the early morning when I wake up. By afternoon, I am understandable again but it is hard to swallow and I have a terrible cough. Anyway, now I am all worried about work because he did not get the message. I am supposed to be resting, but no such luck. I had a present for my boss too.
Yesterday, I learned something new. I can now make a movie that you can play in a DVD player. That is so cool. What this means is, not only can I post my videos for my website fans to see, but also I can put some on DVD’s for my Grandpa. I am putting “Hanging with the Old Folks” on a DVD for him. When he gets back from vacation, I can get pictures from my mom and make him a movie about his vacation that he can play in his DVD player. How cool is that? I made a movie last night on DVD for my boss to send to his family in Chicago.
Well, I guess I will try to get some rest. I cannot remember the last time I had the house to myself. The kids are at school and David is at work.
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