Tuesday, November 06, 2007

By Popular Demand

Be sure and turn up the volume for full effect. Oh the drama...


  1. excellent movie, I think perhaps she felt Carolynn should help.....just a thought. I guess Carolynn was busy playing with her honeybun box


  2. She did want Carolynn to help, well, not exactly help, but to do it for her. It was her turn, she made the mess and she had to clean it... even if she was starving and all we gave her was a piece of bread with some Goober in the middle of it. Such a drama queen.

  3. yeah i am guessing that she is a bit of a drama queen.......always has been though. i think that is where kayleigh got it from...that one year around you guys and it rubbed off on her LOL


  4. You cannot watch that and not laugh. Do you see this fist? lol

  5. It was a great video, she was like Scarlett Ohara in Gone With the Wind. "As God as my witness I will never go hungry again". Well in her case never have to eat bread and goobers again.......She is a very creative little Drama Queen


  6. and the oscar for best dramatic performance goes to...........

    rofl! this little video just made my day!


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