Saturday, February 02, 2008

Code Adam

I lost Carolynn today. She was right behind me as we walked in the Albertson’s. I said we forgot to grab a cart and I heard her say she was going to get one. So Catherine and I stopped right there and I saw her go right out the door to grab a cart. She didn’t come back. So, I went out to see what was taking her so long. I thought she was trying to un-stick a cart. She wasn’t out there. I went back in. I didn’t see her. I looked out there again. No Carolynn. I looked up every aisle as I walked to the other side of the store and the other doors. No Carolynn. I looked outside that door. No Carolynn. I walked out to the car. No Carolynn. I tried calling her, but her cell phone was in the car. I was freaking out. I went back in the Albertsons, through the first door, and she was no where to be seen. So I started looking up the aisles again as I sort of ran to the other side. I didn’t see her. I flagged down an Albertson’s employee and told her Carolynn was lost. She calls over the speaker “Code Adam” and security men are now at the doors watching. Everyone is asking me what she looks like and I was trying to tell them but I was freaking out. One of the check out boys I knew. He was Jessica’s brother. I told him I lost Carolynn. He said he just saw her and ran and found her. She was down the farthest aisle where they keep vitamins. I almost strangled her.

David was at the movies seeing Rambo during all this. He said it was very bloody. Gross.

Catherine went back to the eyeglasses place today to get her glasses adjusted. They kept slipping down her nose.

We went to the Barnes and Noble today. I got my book club choice for February. It’s I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou. As soon as I finish Love In The Time Of Cholera, I will read it. As soon as I get some free time, I can finish Love In The Time Of Cholera.

I added 20 more minutes to my fitness meter. Slowly but surely I am going toward my goal.

Carolynn made a Shelfari page today. Check it out.

Five Songs I Can't Play On Guitar Hero For The Wii.
Hit Me With Your Best Shot by Pat Benatar
Barracuda by Heart
Slowride by Foghat
Paint It Black by The Rolling Stones
School’s Out by Alice Cooper


  1. Well I am glad Carolynn was safe and sound in the vitamin isle. I bet she will not do that again.
    I read I know why the Caged Bird Sings, for two different classes, English, and Family issues. Maya Angelou is a very amazing woman. It is a very good book,you will like it.
    It is windy and crappy out today so far no rain but it is cold and crappy none the less. We have a few things on our list of things to do before the super bowl comes on. I hope this storm passes by tonight, we need to get down the hill in the morning. Next sunday we will be at Pala seeing the Wallflowers, I hope we can take some pictures.

  2. Well, it is raining here today. It's wet and cold and crappy out. We are cleaning up before we make our Super Bowl snacks. We are making nachos and guacamole and salsa. Later we are making ribs.

  3. That sounds pretty good. We have chips and dip and chicken. The wind is just horrible we are going to need to get our roof repaired we have lost a few shingles. The power keeps going out and it is just a crappy ass day. I do hope the wind dies down by this evening

  4. Well today we went and packed up some more of my dad's stuff. My dad gave Sarah some bowls and plates and glasses, which we wrapped in newspaper and will put in storage for when she moves. He gave her a micorwave and stand and some stuff some other stuff and she was happy to have it. We went out to breakfast and we took care of some other business and it was good. We went to the bank to give them the new address and he was telling the bank lady about Pala, and his trip tp boston and how he liked cooperstown. Most of the time I am with him when he goes places and I was surprised that he liked Chicago and the boat tour he liked the boats in boston and he liked the Erie Canal in New york. I know he had a good time but who knew he liked boats. He has gone more places in the last two years then he has in all his life. I do feel bad at times because my mom had to go into LTC before he could get out. But it was not our choice for her to be sick. I looked into in home care but it just wasn't what she needed. My Mom needed 24 hour care, to be safe. She did some stuff that is kind of funny now, but it was very hard for my dad. She forgot to get dressed more then once, she thought it was 1972,and she kind of lost control of her bowels and blamed the dog or my dad. Once my dad had a heart attack I needed to look at what was best for both of them. His blood pressure was out of site and it wasn't safe having her at home. I am sure in his heart he knew long before I said we needed to think about it, but he just did not want to make that choice. I made the choice and he agreed, but we both felt guilty. Her doctor and his doctor told me I did the right thing but it still wasn't easy. Now that he is moving I feel happy because he will not be all alone everyday, but on the other hand that mobile home was my mom's home for over thirty years. I wanted to move my mom up here to Apple Valley and she was on the waiting list at apple valley care, because then I thought my dad would move up here too. But after she was at Crestview and we got to know the nurses my dad thought it would be too hard for her to move, and I agreed. It was his idea to move and I was happy as a pig in shit that he made that choice. He was worried about what would happen to my brother, but he needs to think about what is best for him and no one else. He will always be with someone, I am going to get him going to the senior center to play cards at least once a week, bowling once a week, movie night once a week, golf at jess ranch when it gets warmer. I may have to go along with him to break the ice but I will do what ever I need to do to keep him heathy and active, he deserves it.

  5. I guess I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. Like you said a year of change, I will deal with one at a time. My dad seems to be excited about the move to apple valley. He wants to look at Bull Head city and Laughlin and see if that is a good place for us to retire. I guess packing stuff and having an actual date makes it very real. I was thinking of my Mom as we were packing. I guess my dad feels like that everyday. Yea for Pala on Sunday we could use it.


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