Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Can you feel the love in here? Nope. I am at work. Happy Valentine’s Day to me. The girls wore their cute little Valentine outfits, despite the fact that Catherine’s was a skirt and it is raining and cold today. Quite a contrast from the beautiful weather we had this weekend. Catherine had a bag full of Valentine’s cards for her class with pencils. They are not allowed candy. Carolynn said she was too old for that kind of stuff. I got this Valentine greeting today.

I bought some cookies to bring in to work today, but I overslept and then forgot them in my hurry to get out. Oh well. Tomorrow I am taking the day off to get some errands done and the house cleaned. Saturday we are helping Grandpa move. Next weekend is NASCAR. I live quite the exciting life. Tonight we are having beef stroganoff for dinner.

Last night Carolynn and I finally watched Survivor. You know, I was not thrilled. They had James from last season on the favorite’s side and Jonny Fairplay who is a jerk, but is at least funny. Now Jonny is gone and according to the previews it looks like some love connections and I am so not into watching that kind of drama. We will see.

In addition, last night they picked the Top 24 on American Idol. There were some good ones. There were a couple that were just kind of meh and maybe some others could have been chosen instead. Then there was poor pitiful Josiah; The dumb kid who dropped out of high school and who lived in his car. I kind of hoped he would make it. It would be a good chance for the kid to change his life around. He was a good singer, but he blew it and he deserved to be kicked off. Still, I felt bad for him. He needed a honey bun box really bad. Next week the voting starts.


  1. Johnny Fairplay knew he was going to get the boot so why not just act like you are a changed person and exit first? We will have to see what happens, tonight.

    I have meetings and stuff all this week it is boring, and then the trying to look like you care about what the speaker is saying is hard.

  2. At least he made it a little interesting. And I liked James from last season. But who knows what will happen next.

    Sorry to hear about your meetings. Just smile and nod and picture George Clooney.


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