Saturday, March 08, 2008

Moving and Other Middle School Drama

We are moving On June 30. We did not get a choice; they are not renewing our lease here. Let us just say some people really want to get every penny out of people. Oh well, it is not as if we are living in some palace or anything and I was thinking of moving anyway, so all is well.

Carolynn had to go to the school counseling office yesterday because some girl said she was going to beat her up after school. So rather than getting beat up, she told a teacher, went to the counselor, and got a ride home. I asked her why some girl wanted to beat her up, she said she did not know. She said the girl thought Carolynn called her bad names. She assures me she did not. The school counselor thinks the girl in question has some home problems she is having a hard time dealing with. I saw her mom on the news. She was running an unlicensed day care and some how she managed to accidentally leave a three year old in front of an elementary school while dropping off the other kids. Moreover, she did not notice she was missing all day.

Today we are cleaning, taking the recycling and donating to the Goodwill. I know. We are exciting.


  1. So the guy thinks he can get more money from someone on welfare? When people get section 8 housing the landlord is guarenteed he gets his money, because they pay it direct to the landlord. However the trade off is the people tend to trash the place. Well Moving is still a big job no matter how close or far you move.
    I hope that Carolynn is ok. Junior high kids are the worst, they are mean and they are just getting to be teenagers and they are dealing with the hormonal issues. They are still mean in high school but they have established their groups and kind of stick to them.

  2. Basically, the rent will be raised to a level I can not afford and Marines are a no fail payment as the Marines pay the building direct. I was planning to move, but I now have a deadline and I don't know how I feel about that.

    Carolynn is okay. We had a little talk about picking your friends and who you hang around with. I think one of her other little friends may have gotten her involved in the whole stupid situation.

  3. Well that is true Apt owners like the fact they are going to get their rent each month. Well it depends on how quickly you get all your ducks in order. It is expensive to move, it is not that bad to rent the truck but it is the per mile charge that kicks your butt. My dad didn't have that much stuff so we didn't need the biggest truck. Well you still have time, and your friend will be here in just a few days, I am sure you guys will talk, and talk, and talk. Have a relaxing week and then start to gather your ducks.

  4. Well, I have a pretty good idea of where I want to move and I have some feelers out in those areas so hopefully something will pan out in time. We have been cleaning the house out and donating to goodwill so there will be less to move and I have looked into moving options. I have moved before, with less notice. We moved from San Diego to Vista with a weeks notice and we moved from across the street to here in 2 weeks. I've moved all over.

  5. we would LOVE to have you come be our neighbor in wisconsin again!!!!!!!!!

  6. Heather... As much as I'd love to see you guys, Wisconsin is WAY toooooo cold. I am thinking much further south with much better weather. It is said that Vista, CA has the best weather on the Earth.

  7. The San Diego area has the best weather in the USA, there is also so much to do there. The beach, they have sports teams, lots of places to eat, and Pala. Grandpa's happy place.
    You are an experienced mover to be sure. And there are new adventures to be had where ever you move. Heck we have been to Nashville, Kenosha, and Chicago and each place we found stuff to do. We will continue with new adventures.


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