Sunday, March 09, 2008

Times Change

Did everyone remember to set their clocks ahead one hour? I hope so.

I would like to thank all the people who sent me their moving advice and suggestions. I really appreciate it. Now, if any one knows or is a person good at writing résumé’s, I could use some help there. I can write just about anything but a résumé that looks good.

Today we are finishing our house cleaning. I am making cranberry orange muffins. I want to make sure my house is good and clean when Trisha arrives in just three short days.

My mailbox broke on Thursday. The key broke off in the lock. I went to the office to have them fix it, (where I found out I’d have to move). I went over there on Friday to get the new key (I saw it had been fixed.) and no one was there. I called over there yesterday and left a message, I went over there yesterday, and no one was there. The office is closed on Sunday and Monday. It is supposed to be open from nine to six Tuesday through Saturday. All of my bills and junk come to my e-mail and people do not generally send me stuff, but it still annoys me that I might have mail in my box and I cannot get it.

Later I will be performing surgery on Cow and Cow Jr. Anyone who knows Catherine will know exactly what that means. Cow and Cow Jr. are her oldest two cows and they are looking ragged. I hope that they can be saved.


  1. Well i hope that you get your mail box fixed because I send you stuff. In just a few short days you and Trish will be having so much fun.
    Resumes are pretty easy online ones can be somewhat longer then printed ones. If you are giving someone a resume it needs to have a lot of words like motivated, teamplayer, organized, and it should not be longer then two pages.
    I hope that Cow and Cow Jr will be OK. I remember when she got Cow from her class in Kenosha, and the book Click Clack Moo, Cows That Type. Which is by the way an excellent book.

  2. I am going to work on my new resume after my vacation.

    Yep, that is where she got Cow, a going away present from her class in Kenosha when we moved. She still has that book, but she is too old for it now. Cow is looking pretty old too.

  3. How can Catherine be too old for that book, it is still one of my favorites.......You know that in the next book Duck runs for President.
    Good idea have a great vacation then you will be ready to work on the resume and the rest of the moving stuff.


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