Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thursday 13- Edition 11

Thirteen Things I HAVE TO Do By The End Of This Month

1. Get A New Job
2. Find A New House
3. Clean The Carpets
4. Finish Packing
5. Find A New Job
6. Get All The Laundry Done
7. Clean Out The Turtle Tank
8. Get A New Freakin' JOB!!
9. Scrub Out The Refrigerator
10. Donate Some Stuff To The DAV Thrift Store
11. Turn Off The Cable And Phone
12. Get A New Job
13. Did I Mention I Need To Get A New Job?


  1. hey, do you think you should add get a job to your list!?!?!?!?

  2. Hey you better add get a new job to that list. Oh you did! LOL It will happen and it will be a good job that you like. Think positive! Great list you are going to be very busy.

  3. Hey why don't you just get a new job that will take care of several things on your list.

  4. Good luck with the job and the scrubbing!

  5. Actually, I also could stand doing a couple of things on that list...although hopefully, my current job is secure for now! :)

    Good luck on your "To-Do" list...and hope you'll make time to visit my TT as well! :)

  6. Hope you get a job! It sounds like you might need one. ;)

  7. You know what this list needs... I need a new job! I almost forgot!

    You know, all the other things on the list would be more pleasant if I had that new job...

  8. Ya might wanna take no. 5 and no. 12 and move them to nos. 2&3.

  9. So you want a job eh?

    lots of luck with the hunt!

  10. Except for the turtle tank, your list looks a lot like mine.

  11. Good luck with the job hunting. Sending good vibes that things fall into place soon.

  12. Good luck with your job search! That's exactly what I'm doing this month too!

  13. Yep, not having a job sucks in more ways than one. Here's to hoping you get one soon!

    Happy TT!


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