Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I Had A Dream

Usually, I am not the kind of person who puts stock in dreams. However, every now and again, I have one that is so vivid I feel like I belong on Medium. Last night I had one of those dreams.

In my dream, I was lying in my bed with my dog and I was stressing out over my current situation. (I do that every night.) While I was lying there, someone said to me to stop stressing out. (I almost killed them.) They said to remember that if you want something from life you have to give something. This person, who I did not actually see, and am not sure if it was male or female, told me to stop sitting at home and being depressed. They said that my job hunt left me plenty of time to give back to the community. If I am hoping to become a meaningful part of this community, I need to get out and be a part of it. They said I needed to volunteer to be a bell ringer for the Salvation Army, that I needed to give more food to Catherine’s food drive, and that I should think of at least one more thing by myself.

So I got up this morning, did what I always do, which is do my job-hunting, and then I did just what was in my dream. I contacted the Salvation Army and I have to go down there on Friday to learn bell ringer orientation and find out when and where I would be volunteering. Tomorrow I am going to send my donations over to Catherine’s school. I also contacted the Pal Humane Society about becoming a volunteer. I got that idea from Pam.

I am sure most of you are sitting around thinking I have finally flipped my lid. However, I figured, it could not hurt. Maybe I will be out volunteering and meet someone who has a fabulous job for me. At least it gets me out for a little while so I can get away from my depression.


  1. you seriously have to go learn how to ring a bell?????? i thought about volunteering with them, but i think my civic bowl is already full. i did all of the crap with kens ship. now i help in kayleighs class three days a week and i have my non profit moms group. i still think you should look at www.themommiesnetwork.org to see if there is one in your area!

  2. I actually think this is wonderful! Volunteering is really rewarding and you just never know what doors may open. I've met so many people and made lifelong friends I wouldn't have if I had not volunteered. I had the same pull to do something and just never took that step. One day this lady contacted me about volunteering and that was all it took. ;)
    I'm looking forward to hearing about your experiences.

  3. Have you thought about Volunteering at Apple valley care center, a lot of old folks do not get many visitors and they need people who can read to them and help them write letters and things like that.

  4. Heather- I will check into it. And yes, you have to go to orientation to ring a bell.

    Pam- You have been so supportive. I think this is going to be good.

    Mom- Yes, it was in one of the emails you sent me earlier about jobs there. It also had a volunteer section.

  5. I think you've hit on a very good idea! It's always better to be doing something than to be doing nothing. I find that volunteering gives a big boost to my ego - which is always welcome and sometimes really, really needed. I'm still praying for you to find a job really soon. My daughter has joined the masses out there looking for employment. She hasn't worked for 12 years, so it's a real challenge.

  6. Eve- I hope that your daughter's search goes better than mine. I discovered today that you can become a CNA in just one semester. And there seem to be a lot of jobs available for that. I signed up for the Spring semester myself. There are a lot of grants and stuff available. Maybe that could be something she might try. I am going to try it. Hopefully the volunteer opportunities will help me out of my slump.

  7. I think you little voice/dream is right on track with a great idea. You never know who you will meet. Good Luck


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