Friday, December 05, 2008

Gay Friday

Okay, so everyone knows, or should know, I am not gay. However, I do support gay rights. I have gay friends. I have gay relatives. I voted no on Prop 8.

I believe that everyone should have equal opportunity. My friend Teresa got married in August, and now her marriage, as well as many others, is in limbo. My aunts, who will have been together for 25 years in January, were going to tie the knot for their anniversary and now may not be given the opportunity. It is unfair.

So today, a week after Black Friday… I am announcing today will be Gay Friday here on my blog. Show your support. Click on the banner to the right for White Get the button for your website. Enjoy the video. In addition, enjoy these pictures. Remember, the word gay also means “happy and joyous”.


  1. I saw that video the other day on someone else's site. So funny! I love when Jack Black comes out..

    "look it's Jesus!"

    Jack: "hey, how's it goin'"

  2. That video cracks me up every time. I love Neil Patrick Harris at the end.Gay marriage will save the economy.

  3. I have that video up but I'm waiting till Ash gets home so we can watch it. You can definitely count she and I among your gay friends. You rock, Jennifer! Thank you!

  4. I will absolutely count you two as friends.

  5. I love that video. :-) I voted no on Prop 8 too and was so upset when it passed, although I can't say I was surprised. At least not at this point in time. Things will change. I do have faith in that.

  6. LF- I was surprised. I guess I didn't realize how many closed minded jerks live in this state. Things will change, I just wish, for the sake of my friends and family members, that they would hurry up.

  7. I'm really hoping the court will overturn it. That law is wrong on so many levels.

  8. Love the video! Funny - gay marriage has been legal in MA for several years now and the world did not end - not even once! A family member of mine is so anti-gay marriage it isn't even funny. I told him that all these gay marriages around me in MA haven't belittled my straight marriage one bit!


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