Friday, December 19, 2008


Let us just say, I am no longer worried about getting a job and that I was nuts to think anything would happen.

Now that I am gainfully employed, I am happier and healthier. Okay, my stomach was in knots all day and I probably will feel better tomorrow. However, I am so excited about my new job. I start on the fifth. I cannot wait.

Now that all this job hunting and stress has finally ended, I would like to say thanks.

Thanks to my mom and dad, without whom I would not have survived 6 months with no job.

Thanks to my Grandpa, who bought me a fridge and Carolynn’s bed and various other needed items and tanks of gas over the last six months. It was appreciated.

Thanks to David who watched the kids so I could do anything I wanted to or needed to do, kept the kitchen clean most of the time, and handed over every cent of his measly paychecks from McDonald’s.

Thanks to my kids, who spent the last six months knowing we were “on a budget”, did not beg and whine too much, and put up with an extremely frazzled and stressed mom.

Thanks to Trish, who is always supportive and would have paid every one of my bills for me, had she been made of money. She is the best friend and soap maker in the history of the world.

Thanks to my brother and Nicole, who filled my chest with ice when I had no fridge and fixed my car battery when Carolynn drained it.

Thanks to my sister, who is always good for a laugh.

Thanks to all my internet supporters. You guys all rule and I love you all.

Finally, I feel good. I finally feel like this place does not suck so badly. I finally am totally and completely relaxed.

Good night internets. Tomorrow will be super.


  1. So which job did you take? Are you working at the prison or the old folks' home? I'm so happy for you finally being employed - what a great Christmas present. ;) We've had a lot of snow this week, too. My yard looks a lot like yours.

  2. Yay hooray! What a good feeling, and just in time for Christmas. Yay!!!

  3. Eve- I took the job at the prison. It was just so much more money for my family. Plus they offer a recruitment bonus which was substantial. I am so excited. I can't wait to start.

    Melissa- It was all I wanted for Christmas and I got it. I got an iPod too, so I really am having the best Christmas ever!

  4. No thanks necessary. If our respective problems hadn't happened at the same time, I would've been able to give you more than an ear. Enjoy your iPod and your worry free Christmas!

  5. And a big fat Thanks to the Adelanto Federal Correctional Facility for giving you a good job, where you will earn enough money to take care of your family.

  6. im very happy you got your job!!!!!


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