Sunday, March 15, 2009

Jekyll Island

I had a great day. I am done with yesterday. I said what I needed to say and now I am done. I took off this morning and explored downtown Brunswick and Jekyll Island. I took over 100 pictures. But you get to see none today because my internet is being a jerk. Sorry. Hopefully tomorrow. It was great though. I am sending out postcards and I got magnets for me and my mom. I got some turtle stuff for Carolynn. I got a Christmas ornament. Tomorrow there will be pictures and a full story.


  1. I hope you had a relaxing day at Jekyll. Sorry to hear about everything else that went on. I know it must be hard being so far away from home.

  2. It was fun. I am still working on a full story report with pictures.

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures. It sounds like you had a wonderful day.


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