Wednesday, July 01, 2009

And So It Continues…

Three years ago today, I started this blog. At the time, I had just moved into my first apartment after my marriage ended and I had just started a new job at a basket warehouse. Things certainly have changed since then. We have had many great adventures. We have done some traveling. We’ve had ups and downs. But mostly, I have enjoyed it.

One year ago today, I began a new life. I left my job in San Diego, left my apartment and moved to my home town of Apple Valley. I rented my first house and after a long and sometimes painful period of joblessness, I began a new career in a field I don’t think anyone would have thought I would have done. Mostly, it’s pretty good. Here is an update…

Like I said, we moved to Apple Valley. I looked for jobs like a mad woman. I worked briefly as a fish tank cleaner at a pet store. I spent a lot of time stressed. But in December, I finally found just the right thing. I was hired as a federal correctional officer. Yep, me. Tiny old me. I now go to work every day in a uniform and enter a place grown men fear, and spend my day with men who have done things most of us couldn’t imagine. And I like my job. I like the feeling that I am doing something to make the world a little better. That perhaps something I might do might help these men change their ways when they exit. And for those who will never leave, I am protecting the community by keeping secure these men who cannot be part of normal society. I am happy now. I don’t spend a lot of time worrying about bills, as I know I can pay them. Plus I still have a little left over to enjoy. This March I spent 3 weeks in Georgia for training at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. I learned a lot, met some great people and had a great time. While I was there, my dearest friend in the world, Trisha, and her whole entire family, came and we went to Savannah. It was so pretty and I had a great time. Since I have been back, I have been working a lot of hours and am hoping we can take a fun vacation this fall to San Francisco. Last year, we went to Las Vegas. Plus I made a few trips to Palm Springs.

Carolynn has also had a big year. She turned 13 this year. She did her first year of school in Apple Valley. She made some new friends, ditched some classes, got caught, got grounded… Made some different new friends and learned to play the saxophone. She dyed her hair, went to Hawaii, and ran cross country on her school team.

Catherine spent her year being Catherine. She is going to a school here that is geared for kids with her special needs. She is a little bit of an overachiever. Only at school though. At home, she can’t manage to wear clothes that match, clean her room or remember to brush her teeth. She also went to Hawaii this past year. She played softball in the town Little League. Her team won the city championship. At th end of the year, she won an award for perfect attendance at her school, as well as a physical fitness award. And as usual, she got all A’s.

David has had the toughest year I think. After we moved, he has had a hard time finding a job. He got a job right away at McDonald’s, but they don’t schedule him consistently. There were weeks last fall, when he got no hours at all. Then in the winter, the McDonald’s was robbed while he was there. As a matter of fact, he has to go to court for that on Monday. He still works there part time, while continually looking for something better. Unfortunately, in this current economic condition, there are just way more people looking and fewer jobs to find. He did begin going to college since we moved here. Also, in the past year, he took a trip to Texas to visit his family and he returned with a vehicle of his own. I am glad he is here. Without his help, there is no way I could have been gone for three weeks to Georgia, no way I could work the crazy hours, no way I could work midnight to 8… He may not be the tidiest person, but he is always there when I need a back up.

This year was a big year for pets. When we moved here last year, we brought our two cats, Kitty and Cleo, as well as our turtle, Little Dude. Soon after, we were joined by our dog, Elvis, who had been staying with my mom. Then there was Gibby. Gibby was a gift from my mom. He is Chihuahua and Pomeranian. He just had his first birthday and he is filled of energy. He wears clothes, follows me everywhere, and loves to ride in the car. He was the mascot for Catherine’s softball team. Then sadly, we lost out cat Cleo. She got out one night and we never saw her again. Unfortunately, we live in an area with a lot of coyotes. We did get a new cat, Betty.

But the best thing of all, this past April we welcomed a new family member. Nathan Joseph joined us on April 6. I have a nephew. He is too cute. As a matter of fact, I was playing with him earlier today and he was giggling and grinning and I wished I had a camera.

This next year of blogging is going to be great. I hope all my readers hang in there with me. We are about to embark on a great new adventure. Until then, enjoy a look back on this year in pictures.


  1. Three years of blogging. Wow! I'm impressed. And a year has past since your move. I'd say you've done well this year.

  2. In the end... This past year didn't turn out too bad. :)

  3. Isn't it funny how things always turn out? (often how we least expect them) I'm so glad that you are doing so well. You have a happy looking family, a secure recession-proof job, and a good network of friends!
    (3 years of blogging? I'm only going on a few months)

  4. Dorine... Actually, this was my second blog. I actually started blogging I think it may have been March 2003.

  5. sorry I'm late but Happy blogaversary.


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