Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Reason #4...

As to why I shouldn't be left alone alone when there are puppies.

So yesterday I went to Animal Control to get dog licenses for Elvis and Drizella. Now they are all set for the next three years. Gibby is still good for another year and a half. Anyways, while I was there I saw some kids volunteering. And Carolynn wanted to look at the puppies. So we went back.

Carolynn has been wanting a puppy. Everyone else has their own dog and she has cats. You can't walk cats in the park. Cats don't fetch. We already had three dogs. So I was going to be strong. Unless somehow they had the perfect puppy.

So we get some paperwork on voluteering and we look around. They had a huge iguana and a large white parrot type bird. They had other snakes and lizards. They had rabbits and guinea pigs. They even had a little goat. And they had tons of dogs and cats and kittens and puppies.

I wanted to take them all home.

But I didn't.

Carolynn did it.


Dear Mary and Tonya,

We have kidnapped your dog. And somehow it is now a very large puppy and a girl.

Meet Bubbles.

She is a mastiff mix. (Probably with lab.) She is 10 months old. And she is full of energy.

And we love her.

Gibby, Elvis and Drizella are still thinking it over.

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