Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tissues Standing By

This week I finished reading the book P.S. I Love You by Cecelia Ahern. It was pretty good, but a little sad. Basically, it starts with the death of the main character Holly's husband. He has died after a long battle with cancer. And she is devastated. Then she gets package from her husband. He had sent it before he passed so she would have it after. Inside the package there were envelopes. There is one for every month for the rest of the year. Each one had a little something he wanted her to do to help her to move on. First, was buying a new bedside lamp since he was no longer there to turn the lights off for her. That way she wouldn't have to try to find the bed in the dark. Then came everything from singing karaoke to looking for a new job to cleaning out his stuff. There was even a surprise vacation for her and her friends.

It was actually pretty predictable, but it was a nice story. Her husband's letters as well as her family and friends surround her and help her to start living again. It was an easy read. They made a movie out of it and I haven't seen it yet. But it has Hilary Swank.

Now I am reading Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin. David loved these books and he has read them all. He insisted I read it too. I have read about 50 pages, and so far it's not my thing. But we will see how it turns out.

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