Friday, March 16, 2012

A Day In The Life

Never Forgotten....

After work one night, as we all left together...

Me: Hey LT, it's 10:00 at night, why are you still wearing your sunglasses?

Lt. Bent: So I can check people out and they won't know. So why don't you just walk in front of me and we can see how they work.

Male Officer: You're going to get filed on LT.

Lt. Bent: Why? You jealous? Go on and walk in front of me instead baby. I am equal opportunity.


Lt. Bent: So where are you going to be next quarter?

Me: SHU. Ugh. So many penises in the window.

Lt. Bent: I know, and that's just the staff. Lord knows what the inmates will do.


Last week we lost a good man in a senseless tragedy brought on by one of our own. As we all heal and grieve in our own ways during this time, I'd like to think that Lt. Bent is somewhere amazing, happy, and at peace.

And having a beer with Elvis, watching girls undress.

Enjoy it LT.

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