Okay, so maybe we didn't get drunk and get married. But as you probably already guessed, we went to Las Vegas to get married. We left the house on Tuesday, the 23rd of July. That is our anniversary. We were off. First stop, marriage license. Too bad we got lost. We went a good 20 minutes past where we should have. I blame the GPS.
We finally found the courthouse and took care of our paperwork. Then we went to the hotel to get ready.
We had booked our wedding at The Little White Wedding Chapel. We picked that one because it was so "Las Vegas". We wanted it to be fun. It is where Ross and Rachel get married. It is also where Frank Sinatra married Mia Farrow. Where Brittany Spears married that guy who she divorced the next day. Pretty cool right? Incidentally, my friend Shelley got married there just a couple of weeks before us. And my friend Jackie married her husband there too.
We went to the hotel to get ready. We didn't have a ton of time though, since they were sending a limo for us. Yep, we got to go in a limo. Carolynn barely had time to put on her face. And just so my sister knows, Carolynn insisted I wear at least mascara and lip gloss. Ewwww.... I hate make up.
The driver came and got us and drove us to the chapel. We had so much fun.
We got to the chapel and Sherri, Mary and Tonya were waiting. Taylor and Mandy arrived a few minutes later. David and I got our paperwork all together. They got our flowers out, they were so pretty. We were ready to start.
The pastor who married us was super nice. (He was the same guy that married Shelley and her hubby just weeks before. LOL!) He explained to us everything we were going to do. He asked us our preferences. We told him that Mary would be the maid of honor. She had David's ring. Tonya would be the Best Mate. She had my ring. They would also be our witnesses. And Sherri was walking me down the isle. He made it happen.
Sherri walked me down the isle. Mary cried like a faucet. We tried not to giggle. And I married my best friend.
It was so much fun.
The photographer did an amazing job. We had a fun time with the photo shoot. And when he was done, Mandy took a few more. Like this one of Michelle.
After the big wedding, we went out for a wedding dinner at The Cheesecake Factory inside the Caesar's Palace. It was so nice.
After that we were exhausted. We went back to the hotel and listened to the baby cry for hours. Then I soaked in the hot tub and watched Friends.
Best day ever.
Congratulations to you both!!!