Monday, November 20, 2006

It is NOT Almost Thanksgiving!!!!

Where did this year go? So much has happened this past year that it just flew by. All in all, it’s been a pretty good year. It started out rather bumpy, but I worked it out and now it’s pretty good. I have a great job. I moved to a great new town and now I have a really nice apartment. The kids are doing great. David… well so far I am letting him live. Nah, just kidding… He is doing great too. This can only mean that the upcoming holiday season is going to be wonderful and that 2007 is going to be the best yet.

Parent teacher conferences were last week. Carolynn’s was cancelled because her teacher’s mom passed away. I did meet with Catherine’s teacher though. Catherine got really excellent grades. Her teacher says she is doing great. Carolynn got her report card too. She is doing pretty great too. She only got one low score in writing composition. Maybe writing on her webpage will help.

I am all set to start at Palomar College in the Spring. So is David. Unlike me though, he is just starting and has no set major. I am nearly finished with my Associates and I definitely have a set major. Anyone who can tell me that major will win a prize. What that prize is, I do not know. Maybe a basket.

David is still job hunting. I think he is going to break into a great job soon. It is the holiday season. Many places will be hiring for the season and then maybe from there he can move into a permanent placement. Everyone think employed thoughts.

Tomorrow I will try and get some more apartment pictures up. On the other hand, maybe not… I have been busy at work. I am building a new catalog at work and I never designed a catalog before. I know nothing about design. Nevertheless, this will be a great catalog.

That is it for today.


  1. well i believe when you were at great lakes your major had something to do with history, but hasnt it changed since you have been out there, to some journalisim thing or something?

  2. Close Heather... it was history when we were in Wisconsin... but it changed and you were close. Maybe I will send you a basket. :)

  3. If its not Journalism, maybe its literature??? Or maybe business management?? Well those are my guesses. Uncle Steve


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