Monday, February 26, 2007

The Countdown Begins....

Yesterday, my kids spent all day fighting. So I made them write nice things about each other. They thought I was crazy. Carolynn is counting down the days until she leaves for camp. I finally got that all paid up. Let me tell you, one week of camp is not cheap. And that doesn't include all the supplies she needs. She is down to 21 days until departure.

Another thing on the countdown, our vacation. We are leaving for a fabulous vacation on March 11. We will be gone for two glorious days. It's a secret. But it's going to be super great. Only 13 days until we depart.

Nothing else happening around here. This weekend we just hung around the house. Carolynn, Catherine and I worked on some scrapbooks. I used to make scrapbooks all the time when I was little. Unfortunatly, those all met an unfortunate end. So the girls and I are starting new ones.

Next weekend we are going to the Wild Animal Park. We are going to attempt to hike all the way around it. That should be an adventure.

Carolynn is already planning her birthday. It's still nearly two months away, but she is planning it anyway. I'll let you know what she ends up planning. She wants to do everything. If she had it her way, she'd be celebrating the weekend before, the weekend of, and the weekend after.

That's it. Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering what was going on with all those lists, lol.

    So, where are you going on vacation?


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