Tuesday, September 11, 2007

More Drama Than General Hospital…. More Controversy Than An Eminem Song… It’s Super Blog!

Okay, well that was an interesting little twist in life.

First, okay anonymous poster… you started it. You with your “control freak” comment. I do not know what that was all about. No one but me is in control of this site. There is no movie yet, not because “someone” is controlling anything, but because it takes awhile to put together something this big. There are many pictures, songs to acquire, some technical issues to work out.

Next, it is true that I did get the songs I wanted last time but they did not work. Yes, my sister handed them over, nope did not work. Yes, privately, I was giving her a hard time about it. I am her sister, that is my job.

Finally, as David is young, he is forgiven for a small lapse in adult thinking. I believe he was just sick of the anonymous comments from people taking jabs at my family. He does not know them, but he knows me. He would not want people talking bad about his family, no matter what he thinks of them, and I feel the same way. My family is far from perfect, but still, comments disparaging to them or anyone else should not be posted to my website. It is not fair to me to be put in that situation. As for who invited David to California, well, I am sure that moving states does not require an invitation. Maybe they changed the rules recently, but I doubt it. Moreover, nobody WANTS to go to Texas, in my opinion.

This brings me to this. From this day forward, no one who leaves an “anonymous” comment will be allowed. The option to leave anonymously will remain, as a convenience to those who wish to post a comment and do not have a Google account. However, since I get to read them before they are posted; all comments that are unsigned will be rejected.

This closes this subject. Any comments, e-mails or other communications regarding this will not be answered.


  1. I have loud, bossy, cat-loving house guests. The drama ball was supposed to be in my court for the next two weeks. How dare you steal it when I was at the beach.

  2. Sorry... I din't mean to steal it. Someone gave it to me. I didn't know it was yours. I'll give it back.


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