Friday, January 25, 2008

Dance Dance Revolution

David bought the girls Dance Dance Revolution for the Wii today. They are seriously loving it. I don't know that the downstairs neighbors will love it as much, but they are the people with the annoying ball bouncing kid, so as long as they don't start dancing before 9 or after 10 we shouldn't get too many complaints.


  1. Well, come on people how loud can two little girls stomp??? Well it looks like they are having fun and thats cool. I hope the people down stairs do not work the grave yard shift......

  2. Yep, they are loving it. Carolynn was up and had it all ready plugged in so she could get started first thing when it got to be 9:00. Right this second she is dancing in her nightie and she hasn't even had breakfast. Catherine is still in bed asleep.

  3. Well good for Carolynn, and she is able to run a mile so she could dance for a long long time. I hope the folks down stairs do not complain to much.


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