Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I will tell you about mine first. I need pictures; three pictures per entrant. I need the three pictures to be like this:

Picture #1- A picture of a car.
Picture #2- A picture of the person who owns the car.
Picture #3- A picture of the two together.

The fist two pictures should have very little in the background, nothing to take away from the subjects. The last picture can look like anything as long as it has both the person and the car inside it.

Why, you may ask, would I need such an odd combo of pictures? It is for a class I am taking. I am doing a visual presentation about perception. Once the pictures are gathered, I will present the pictures of the cars and ask people to match them to the people. Another girl is doing her project by matching husbands to wives. I think there was a person matching shoes to men. Eventually we are using the info we gather to make commercials. I need these pictures by Sunday.

Next, Carolynn’s project.

Carolynn will be turning 12 in April. She wanted to have a big girly slumber party for her birthday. Unfortunately, we just do not have the room for a big sleepover in our apartment. We can, however, have a nice big party if everyone goes home after and is not trying to sleep in here. So this is her party plan;

All the girls, 10 of them, arrive in their fabulous dresses. Then they have time to get ready. We are going to have make-up, jewelry, high-heeled shoes, hats, shawls and wraps, gloves and all that. The girls can be all made up and fancied for the tea. Then we will have tea, snacks, and cake on the lace tablecloth. After tea, we will play parlor games and I got a make your bracelet kit. It will be totally girly and fabulous.

Here is the part we need help with…. The accessories. I got some clearance jewelry at Wal-Mart. I am going to look at yard sales and at thrift stores. After the party, I want to just donate it all back, or let the girls take it home. So if you have anything you would like to donate, let us know. Make-up samples would be cool. High-heeled shoes in sizes 6-8, the higher the better, would also be cool.

On a final note, here is a picture I got today. Someone at the NASCAR took this for us and they e-mailed it to me today. I do not know what car that is but someone could tell us I am sure.


  1. It is the Home depot Car #20, we are looking a little Ray Charles like....with our shades. How cool is that....
    That is a cool project, do you think people look like they drive a certain kind of car? It will be funn to see what people think. I will get you some pictures by sunday.
    I will see what we can do about the jewelery and such, we have a little time for that one. If you and Trish take a road trip to Hollywood, go to Chinatown, they have hats and gloves and all kinds of stuff for cheap....

  2. Yep, we look cool.

    Yep, it will help us to figure what kind of car is associated with what type of person in order to correctly place products to target specific audiences. It will also be fun to see how many guesses are right.

    I added Carolynn's thing now, so we will have plenty of time to gather stuff. China Town is a good idea.

  3. in order to do this i will have to go take a picture of ken with his truck. as proud my dad is of his car i bet i can get some pics of him with his car for ya too!!!!!! we dont like that car you are in the picture with....it is a yucky toyota driven by even ickier tony stewart! LOL

  4. Well it is a good marketing tool, like Tiger woods and Buick. Most people that drive buicks are upper middle class and middle aged. They can afford to golf, and they like big comfortable cars. Where as younger folks like cars like Jetta with built in Ipod players. It would also be a good project for a social services class, to see if people are judged by the kind of car they drive. Like we saw that guy at the track with the long beard like ZZ top, I would expect him to go out and get into to his 4X4 pick up. I would have been surprised if he drove a mini cooper.


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