Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Did you all vote yesterday? I did. I really don’t think it is fair that if you are registered as a certain party, you have to vote within that party. This happened to me yeesterday. I believe, had I the option, I would have cast my vote for someone in a different party. David also voted yesterday. I am sure it was his first time voting. He also had some voting issues. He is not registered as any party so he could not choose at all. His ballot only had the propositions on it, no presidential candidates. I think that if you are not affiliated with any party you should be able to chose anyone. Furthermore, I think that no matter what party you are affiliated with, you should be able to chose any candidate you wish. I know these are just the primaries, but still.

On a side note, to whom ever has been leaving anonymous comments here and on Carolynn’s page regarding the Giants. We don’t publish comments that are “anonymous”. Okay, so my mom posts as “anonymous” but we all know it is her. I don’t know if those comments are from someone we know or if some random person is just going around to any blog that had superbowl posts and adding comments. If you want your comment to appear on this page, you better at least leave a name. You can do this by doing one of the following things;

1. Posting as Anonymous and just adding your name to the bottom of the post.
2. Posting and typing your name where it says nickname at the bottom of the comment page.
3.Posting and signing with a blogger/gmail/aol ID at the bottom of the comment page.


  1. Well I thought the same as you about the voting, because I would have made a different choice. But we do need two candidates to run for president. If we could pick one from each party we would pick the person we wanted and then for the other party you could pick Mickey Mouse. In the election in November you can vote for who ever you want no matter what party. Yes I did vote, I send in my ballot so I did it last week.
    Why would anyone leave a comment about Football on Carolynn's page? She didn't have a football question on her site, and she doesn't know one team from the other. According to your poll your voters all thought the Patriots were going to they like myself were a little dissapointed in the out come. But what the heck the Giants just out played them, And I didn't think the comercials were that great either.

  2. I don't know who left those comments. All of my readers voted for the Patriots. That's why I thought maybe it was just someone looking at all blogs for football related posts and leaving their Giants Rule comments. Carolynn had a post about the Superbowl and I think she had a Patriots thing on there. Oh well, no name, no publish. The comments were rejected. If it was someone we know, they will have to re-submit them with their names.

  3. Well carolynn did have a superbowl thing on her page, a cool picture of the Patriot,s logo. Maybe someone was just going around leaving comments, how sad is that? She is a kid, she cared more about the dip then the out come of the game. How was that dip anyway?

  4. The guacamole was good. Catherine nearly ate the whole bowl by herself. Carolynn actually doesn't like avocado, but I made salsa too and she ate that and I got some nacho cheese that she ate. Tonight we are having Carolynn famous chicken fried steak. She is an expert at cooking that.

  5. We have a new El Pollo Loco right down the street and they were nice enough to fix my dinner tonight...excellent mac and cheese.

  6. Yum... they have good beans and tortillas too.


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