Monday, March 24, 2008

I Finished Another Book

Guess what people’s I finished Charlie and the Chocolate Factory already! It was good, it’s about a boy named Charlie who lives in this tiny little shack and they barely get anything to eat. He lives with his two grandmas, two grandpas, and his mother and father. Then he found out well he was walking home from school there had tickets, 5 golden tickets, if you got a ticket you got to go inside the factory. Then when Charlie’s grandpa tells him about Willie Wonka and when he reopened his factory no one got there job back, but there are little people in the windows of the factory as tall as your knee. Also, a boy named Augustus Gloop, a big fat kid that loves chocolate, found one ticket. Every year Charlie would get a chocolate bar on his birthday and he got his candy bar early gut when he opened it there was no golden ticket. Then Charlie’s grandpa gave him a gold coin t by another candy bar but when they opened it together still no golden ticket. Then one day well he found the golden ticket and he ended up with the chocolate factory.

1 comment:

  1. You read that book pretty fast, you must have liked it. I saw the movie one time a long time ago, but I have never seen the new one with Johnny Depp. I owe you a few webkins I will send them to you so you do not have wait to long.

    Love Ya Grandma


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