Saturday, March 22, 2008

Iron Chef America- Battle Guacamole

When Trish was here, we bought avocados from a guy in a stand near Pala. The plan was we were each going to make some guacamole and see the difference. However, the avocados took too long to ripen so I made both guacamoles today. Here are my results:

-Catherine liked Trisha’s version better.
-Carolynn liked mine better.
-Trish’s had better consistency. She uses tomatillos for hers. I never used those before.
-Mine was spicier than hers.

Both were tasty and neither was wasted. I declare a tie.


  1. Well it should be battle avacado and you could have made some avacado ice cream or something wierd like Thats too bad she did not get to sample the end results for her self. I know that stand, they always have oranges and avacados for cheap. There is a ton of orange trees and palm tree farms and there is a place that grows flowers for home depotout there. The weather in that area is perfect for growing so many different things.
    Then right in the middle of all that you have a big hotel and can not get much better then that

  2. Did you put the jalpenos in mine? Anyway, I'm really sorry that I missed out. I love me some guacamole.

  3. Yes I did, but I think it wasn't as bad because yours had one extra big ingredient and that made the jalapeƱo concentration less and therefore not as spicy.


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