Friday, May 16, 2008

Stay Tuned...

Lots of stuff has happened since Tuesday…

First, my online friend Eve/Carla from Readers Anonymous and from Adams Wife’s Weblog, lost her husband on Wednesday. My sympathy goes out to her and her family.

I hope everyone enjoyed my Wordless Wednesday and my Thursday Thirteen this week. I think next week I really will do Thirteen Things I Have Seen In Nevada.

Carolynn’s teacher got back to me on Carolynn’s F’s in Math and Science. Surprise! Carolynn hasn’t been doing her homework! I was not shocked, but I was mad. Therefore, Carolynn is super grounded. Not only did she not do her homework, she lied about it. I will be getting my new Wii Fit Board all to myself.

Catherine has been being better, not great, but better.

I applied for 30 more jobs since I last updated. One of those jobs is in Victorville. I know, Victorville is no where near Austin. But I heard about the job there from my mom and decided to give it a go. The cost of living in the High Desert (where Victorville is in California) is comparable to Austin. This job would pay more than I make now and allow us to live comfortable. The point of our move was to live comfortable. If we could stay here and live better it would be a lot cheaper to move. Of course, there are so few jobs there if I didn’t get this job, there are no others to apply for so off to Austin we go. And if I want to move to Texas later, I will have more time to save. But what are the chances of my getting the one job I applied for in Victorville over the 100’s of jobs I applied for in Austin? Who knows? Stay tuned…


  1. Well that is to bad about Eve's husband. Was he ill for a long time? I hope she is ok. Is there anything we can do? She has a lot of on-line friends.

    I hope you get the job because it would work with your time frame really well. You know sometimes you are just at the right place at the right time.
    If it doesn't work out then I am sure Austin will work out.

  2. I think Eve's husband had been ill. He was living in a convalescent home. I sent them a basket of fruit and a card. She does have a lot of online friends.

    I know it sure would work out. We could use some of our saved money for some new furniture and less for moving expenses. Austin will be fabulous too... Either way.

  3. well it is good to have a back up plan. We would love to have you guys live closer, we could go to Mavericks games and Quake games. It would be nice to see you and the girls more. But we can sure visit Texas and see thirteen new things too.

  4. I didn't know that about Eve's husband. How sad.

  5. Yeah, it was sad. You read peoples blogs long enough you start feeling like you actually know them.


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