Friday, June 27, 2008


So, the house I wanted is not mine. Seriously, they could have said that on Tuesday. The owner was being very wishy-washy. She wanted to think it over, then maybe she wanted to have it painted first. Then maybe she wanted to wait. Finally, she decided she wanted to wait and do something else. Finally, she decided today, Friday, five days later. I could have been looking at other places. Now I have to find another place. Our rental agent, Nicole, is out today, so Leslie is helping us. They only have one other home in Apple Valley that interests me. It has a little potbellied stove in it. Leslie is going to contact the owner and get back to me. I am so mad and so frustrated. We have to be out of here on Monday and we have no where to move to. If I go with another rental agency, I have to start over and they will want several days to process my application, and of course new application fees. This blows.

And I still don't have a new job either.


  1. Sorry. That really sucks. You wouldn't have wanted to rent from someone like that anyway. A landlord like that can't be trusted. A potbelly stove sounds neat though. I still have my fingers crossed.

  2. where is the potbelly stove house? We saw so many i forgot where they all were. If they do not rent you the house they should give you your money back, the house was listed and you gave her the money in good faith and it was them that changed their minds.

  3. The pot bellied stove house was on Central. However, they can't find the owner on that one, so I have no idea. Yes, they will give me back all my money and my paperwork if it doesn't work out. That doesn't help right now though. I am running out of options. I am about to explode.

  4. she doesnt have anything else a duplex a condo a different house....

  5. Nope. They either have people in them still or applications pending. I called good old Manfred. That house on Flathead is still available. Those people took the adobe house. But he said... slowly... welll... if you come today... maybe we can take your application... it could take a few days... Then we could present it to the owner... Maybe... I don't know...


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