Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thursday 13- Edition 16

My sister and her husband are moving to Hawaii and they are leaving today. So here is a list of Hawaiian words she can use when she gets there.

Thirteen Hawaiian Words

1. Aloha- Hello or Goodbye, Can also mean love
2. Mahalo- Thank You
3. Kahuna- Priest, skilled person or expert in a field
4. Wahine- Woman
5. Ohana- Family
6. Paniolo- Cowboy
7. Hula- Hawaiian form of communication using dance
8. Imu- Underground pit oven used in luau
9. Kahakai- Beach
10. Luau- Hawaiian Feast
11. Lei- Garland of flowers, leaves, nuts, or shells
12. Mauna- Mountain
13. Mahina- Moon


  1. That is a new take on things. Good job! I got started a little earlier today. Stop by my place if you get a chance. Have a wwonderful day!

  2. Good list and great big Aloha to Sarah and Christopher.

  3. Fun TT! Many years ago I went to Hawaii and I remember eatting at a Mcdonalds and you here how on the garbage can it has THANK YOU on the flap. Well in Hawaii it said MAHALO. That's how I learned that word. Happy TT

  4. Great list. Wow, Hawaii! How exciting for them. I'm sure you're going to miss them though...good luck to them!

    Happy WW :)

  5. I knew more of these than I expected to.

  6. Great idea, and I hope the move goes well. Pop by The Cafe if you'd like for my 40th TT.

  7. My favorite Hawaiian word is "keiki" (babies/kids). I never knew it until visiting there with my niece and nephew. A bunch of those words are used on Aloha Airlines--it's like a little language lesson in the air. :)

  8. I'd hate it if my sister moved to Hawaii without me. I would miss her terribly. My s-i-l would like to move there, but I told him he'd have to go without me. I can't leave my sis, either.


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