Monday, August 11, 2008

A Small Addition

My brother has today informed me that he and his girlfriend, Nicole, are expecting a little bundle of joy! I am going to be an Auntie. The small fry in the picture is Allison. She is Nicole's daughter from a previous relationship, but she is already one of the family. This will be Joe and Nicole's first kid together. They recently bought a house and now they are adding on an addition.


  1. Hey your web site has the same picture as great minds must think alike.

  2. Congratulations! You are going to make a fantastic aunt.

  3. I love other peoples kids, when they start being cranky... you just give them back. I get to be the cool auntie and buy them stuff, but I don't change poops.

  4. congrats to your brother!!!!! i like other peoples kids better than my own usually too lets trade LOL

  5. congrats to your brother!


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