Monday, October 20, 2008

Go Cougars!

Today we went to see Taylor's water polo game. It was very exciting. It was kind of like watching a very brutal, underwater basketball game. They passed the ball all around, trying to make a goal and not get dunked. Taylor's team didn't win their match, but they put up a good fight. Taylor is easily the fastest swimmer on the team. He scored a goal today to help his team. His next home game will be next Monday afternoon. He is number 18 in the picture.


  1. I did not know they played water polo in the fall, it seems like a summer time thing. That is odd about the facebook and myspace thing.....I think that Myspace is a lot of teenagers and they are filled with drama....I hate drama

  2. I think they do swimming and diving in the spring/summer and there is only one pool. So maybe that is why they do water polo now. It's not quite cold here yet.

    I know, the whole Facebook/MySpace thing was strange. Why would anyone care that deeply to see what I had on there when they could come here to see this?


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