Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

13 Random Things In My Living Room at 10:45 PM on Wednesday, December 10, 2008

1. TV
2. Gibby
3. Wood Burning Stove
4. Me
5. A bottle of Excedrin Migraine
6. Tissues
7. A clock that chimes at 7 minutes to the hour
8. Family Pictures
9. Computers
10. Candles
11. Postage Stamps
12. A Leg Lamp from A Christmas Story
13. David


  1. You actually have a leg lamp! Cool!

  2. lmao at the leg lamp...awesome! Happy TT!

  3. I laugh every time I see those leg lamps in the store.

  4. Yep, I have a leg lamp. It's is a smaller table top size, but still it's a leg. I love it. I put it out ever year at Christmas.


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