Tuesday, December 02, 2008


Someone explain this to me. I looked into it, and it seems a bunch of blogs I read, as well as people that I know, do this twitter thing. What I do not understand… What the hell is it? Is it a text message to the universe? Is it the world’s shortest blog post? What is it used for? Who is reading these things? I noticed them on several blogs, but I never really read them before. So what is it? What is it for? And most importantly, can I play too?

Edited: Okay, I signed up but am still lost and confused.

Edited Again: So how do I know when people I am following update? I am so lost.


  1. First of all, take a deep breath. Twitter is one line blogging pretty basically. I use it when I have something pop into my head that doesn't warrant an entire blog post. More importantly, you can Twitter via text message so you can Twitter from anywhere you get a cell signal. You have to follow someone to get their tweets and be followed for someone to read your tweets. You don't have to follow everyone that follows you and vice versa. There are times when Twitter is just plain boring and times when it's really fun. Just like everything else I suppose. Anyway, I'm going to follow you so you better follow me back.

  2. Duh... like I wouldn't follow you. Right now it says I have five followers and am following nine. The part I don't get it, how do I know when people I am following update and how do my followers know when I update?

  3. It just shows up. You either have to go to Twitter's website to read updates or you can download an application to read them. Sort of like an instant messenger thing. I use Twhirl which is a free download. I also use Be Twittered which is a widget on my iGoogle homepage.

  4. I resisted Twitter for a long time, then Nikki dragged me into it and now I'm addicted. I like it because it allows for my ADDness of random thoughts but I don't have to spend however long writing a whole post, which with my Livejournal means I just never update. As for knowing when they update, Nikki uses Twhirl too and really loves it. I just use Twitter Fox since I use Firefox as m browser. Either way, an application will alert you to whenever someone you're following updates. It's great for internet stalkers!

  5. Thanks peeps. I got all set up and now I am so addicted. I use Twhirl and Be Twittered. It is too fun and I can just update at random from where ever.


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