Sunday, January 04, 2009


Yesterday, while we were putting away our Christmas stuff, Carolynn dropped a White Christmas snow globe and it broke. I was sad to see it go. I had that for a long time. I got it in an Avon catalog probably in 2000. Carolynn felt bad. It was an accident. A couple of weeks ago, we were in the Wal-Mart picking out one new ornament for the tree. We try to get a new one every year. We picked one out and Carolynn got it off the rack. About 3 seconds later, we heard a crash and there was Carolynn looking down at the broken ornament. Luckily, they had another one.

We had another tragedy here in the house today. We left for a while, only about an hour and a half, and when we came back, we discovered Gibby had chewed the hand off Catherine’s Sharpay doll. He had also chewed up the boots she was wearing, which actually belonged on Catherine’s Hannah Montana doll. When we leave, we make sure all the bedroom doors are closed, because when Gibby is mad, he chews stuff up. Gibby always is mad when we go somewhere and do not take him. I had taken Sharpay away from Catherine as punishment for not cleaning her room. I forgot it was in the living room. And yes, in case you were wondering, Gibby has lots of toys and chew stuff. He usually chews those when we are home.

Today is my last day unemployed. Tomorrow morning I begin a new career. Today we are cleaning up. I went over and used my dad’s printer (ours is not working) to print out chore charts. It seems to be helping. I wanted to be sure that it was up for this week since I will be gone. The children still have another week of vacation. The McDonald’s has David working 6 days a week now. It should be a pretty busy week.

I made tuna salad for sandwiches to take to work for my lunch. I hunted down my travel teacup to take too. I have my kettle ready to turn on in the morning. I have my clothes all picked out and my alarm all set.

This is going to be a new start. This is going to be good.


  1. Well it sounds like Gibby is going to be pissed off a lot more now that you are off to work, and then next week the girls will be off to school.

  2. Yeah, we are going to get him a crate. He might not like it, but I can't have him chewing the house up.

  3. A carton of Well have a great day at your new job. I will go by and pick up the girls after I take my dad to get his blood know he is looking forward to He hates needles

  4. I lost a Christmas snow globe this year too. Since I have no idea what happened to it, I'm not sure if it was broken or if it's hiding in a box somewhere. I was sad about mine too.

  5. We used to have a dog that went into my bedroom and got my fuzzy blue slipper and left them in front of the door whenever we left her home alone. She never bothered them any other time, and she never chewed on them. Just hauled them out in front of the door.

  6. I think your dogs are really going to miss you! You have been home with them. Everyone is going to have to adjust a little bit.


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