Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thursday Thirteen

So I haven't done one of these in a while and I figured I might give it a go. I have a bunch of random things to say so...

1. The air conditioner is broken and it's June. They sent a guy out on Tuesday and he said he'd have to order parts.

2. To make it worse, the screens on the house are missing. They sent a guy to measure for them on Saturday, but we haven't heard back yet. So we can't open the windows either.

3. David has gone to school full time this summer and is gone all day 4 days a week. It's so weird. But better now than when the baby comes.

4. Speaking of baby, we are just over 9 weeks until the due date. That is single digits people.

5. Also, the baby has no middle name yet. We are still working on it.

6. David got his purple belt in tae kwon do this week. He is now at the intermediate level. Which is nice since that is what Catherine is and now they can go together. That is less time they are gone every night.

7. Catherine got her orange belt a few weeks ago. They have their graduation on Saturday. I will make sure someone gets pictures.

8. Our garden is looking amazing. Another week or so and we will have actual edible food. Probably zucchini or tomato.

9. My sister is coming next month for a baby shower. As much as I love me some baby loot, I will be even happier to see my family.

10. It must be in the water, because I have three friends who are also pregnant. I have a feeling there will be more baby showers in my future.

11. So You Think You Can Dance is back!

12. Carolynn got her driver's permit this week. Please stay off the roads. Of course so far she has only managed to stall and leave tire marks in the driveway.

13. Why did Matthew McConaughey make a movie about strippers? And why am I not watching it right now? Wow.

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