And why don't I live there yet? OMG!
Look at this place.
The trip to was rather long. The south entrance isn't too far from my dad's house. But that one was blocked by an over turned sulfur truck. Seriously. Who drives a sulfur truck though here anyway?
So we had to go around.

It was worth it.
We took a ton of pictures.
However, due to a small malfunction, all of the ones my dad took were erased. All the best ones. He has an awesome camera. And coincidently, all the ones with us in them. So he raged hard core.
When we were ready to leave, the news guy had said the sulfur would be cleaned up by noon. They lied. We had to go all the way back around again. I thought we were all going to die from sitting. But we made it.
And it was worth it.
I'm hoping to get there one day. It looks beautiful!